The ability to look deeply is the root of creativity.
To see past the ordinary and mundane and get to what might otherwise be invisible.
My work is a deconstruction recipe of emotions, colors, stories, and inspirations
reflecting life with its troubles and complications — each part and piece of a puzzle making it whole.
From an inside-out view, the work reveals a universal common bond of personal struggle —
that life is a series of fragments that we have to make sense of — introspection, fragmentation,
complexity of being, dealing with confliction.
Intuitively I feel the need to always challenge myself to go further,
not to accept things at face value and never settle — a need to go deeper and look at
the places in ourselves we would rather avoid.
My mission is to make work that allows us to embrace our insecurities without judgement.
Making the statement: “Yeah, we’re all fucked up, but we’re doing the best we can.”
I work and live in LA.